Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

How to become a RIFS Fellow

Webinar with Q&A

Start time:

The Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) conducts research with the aim of investigating, identifying, and advancing development pathways for transformation processes towards sustainability. Its research approach is transdisciplinary, transformative, and co-creative. Each year, around 20 people are invited from across the world to join the Institute. In collaboration with the research groups and other fellows, they pursue innovative ideas and topics to further sustainability transformations.

In this webinar, the Fellow Programme of the RIFS will first be introduced. Afterwards, the application and review process, as well as the key documents which need to be submitted, will be explained. The webinar closes with an open question & answer session.

Should some questions not be answered immediately, participants will receive an e-mail with the answers.

Please note that the session may be recorded. The recording will not be made publicly available, but to improve future webinars. In addition, the results will be used to update the FAQ section of the RIFS Fellow Programme.

If you would like to join, please register here. You can find the call for applications here. Befor you join, please also check our FAQ section


Achim Maas

Achim Maas

Head of Fellow Programme
achim [dot] maas [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
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